Welcome to MaxLife Moments
Good morning and welcome to my new MaxLife Moments blog. I am excited to start this blog and share about how God is at work in my life.
I am Crystal Maslow, and I have been in Christian ministry for over 30 years working with children, teens and adults. I have been through many mountain-top and valley experiences, but through it all I have learned to depend upon God and His word.
I have chosen to call my business "MaxLife 1010" because of the verse John 10:10b KJV, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." The word for life in this verse is zoe and Strong's Lexicon states that zoe "refers to life in its fullest sense, encompassing both physical and spiritual dimensions...a quality of life that is abundant and fulfilling, characterized by a relationship with God." Strong's Lexicon also states that John and Paul, "infused the term with a deeper theological meaning" and that "They emphasized that true life is found in Christ" in contrast to the "often unfulfilling life offered by the world." This idea (per Strong's Lexicon) was "revolutionary" to the culture of John's and Paul's day, and I would say it is "revolutionary" for our culture today! Like Roman and Greek culture, American culture seeks to find meaning in education (philosophy), pleasure (if it feels good do it), and power (control equals happiness). I would also add that American culture values happiness in things they own, status and influence.
So how can we find this "abundant life" that Jesus speaks of? By developing a personal relationship with Jesus. First, acknowledging that we are sinful humans in need of rescue from ourselves and the world. That Jesus died to pay the penalty we owe for sin (death). Second, acknowledging that we cannot save ourselves and need Jesus' forgiveness of sin, and to trust fully in Jesus' ability to give us His righteousness to cover our sins. Third, confess our sins to Jesus and confess Him as our Lord and Savior to others. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13.
If you call upon Jesus, He will save you and begin working in your life. I hope you will pray now if you have not believed in Jesus before today. I hope you will ask Him to be your Savior and Lord.
Once you are in a right relationship with Jesus, He will start to show you areas where you need to make Him Lord. That is what we will continue to look at in this blog and hopefully overcome so we can walk in "newness of life." (Romans 6:4)
I look forward to the journey ahead for us both!
Blessings, Crystal Maslow
First MaxLife1010 class went great! I presented a class on the Spiritual Discipline: Simplicity. Spiritual Disciplines (sometimes called Means of Grace) are the things that we do to interact or get closer to God. We typically talk about the daily disciplines of bible study, bible memorization (scripture meditation), prayer and fasting. Different Christian leaders have other disciplines that they list as other "means
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